Monday, October 31, 2011

The continuation of my Swapping Addiction: Toilet Paper (TP) Mini Albums

You may not be able to tell yet, but I am addicted to swapping.  After the stockings I created, I decided to join more swaps, and more swaps, and more swaps.  This next share, came from an online forum community I like to hang out at - Scrapjazz.  I have been here for years, I feels like almost an eternity really (and not in a bad way).  Anyway, one of the awesome ladies over there, decided to organize a TP mini album swap (Thankyou Lindsay such a great idea!).  I didn't really have a use for a TP mini album, but the idea sounded like so much fun, that I just could not resist!  We were matched with partners, and all of them had the same theme "Favorite Things" - each album was different as they were based on the preferences of the partner - My partner was Lindsay.  She likes the colors Black and Pink - and this is what I came up with:

The nice part of this project: EVERYTHING was from my stash and scraps - seriously, I did not have to crack a single piece of brand new unused paper or other supplies.  If you have lots of scrap paper you want to use up, I suggest making TP mini albums.  Not to mention that you get to repurpose those TP rolls that you just through away.  Seriously, I'm pretty sure I am hooked on this whole swapping thing.  It is a Blast.  And to give a little shout out to my partner (Virginia) who sent me mine (which I LOVE) here are some more beautiful TP mini album pictures:

 I am in LOVE with that handmade flower, it's gorgeous! and Pretty!
 Isn't that Owl just the cutest?  I love it!

 Love those tags!  They all look the same, and they ALL look perfect.


  1. WOW! Okay you need to share, how/what way do you use TP? Or did I read wrong?

  2. hi there, these are really beautiful i was wondering if you make them for people, obviously for a charge if so please email me kind regards
