Just a quick drop in to show you a project I have been working on for Scrapjazz. This project was made with the theme of French Inspiration. When I saw the theme assignment, I instantly thought of the Boudoir craze and then to the jewelry Hanging frame I had been meaning to make for ages. With that in mind, I set to work and came up with this:
I used a shadow frame that opens for this project and couldn't be happier. Although I love all the beautiful jewelry frames out there, I couldn't get over the fact that I would have to get two frames in order to have one for my earrings and one for my necklaces, and I couldn't find a satisfiable solution to my earrings that are not dangely - you know the ones you need to have posts for. With this, I can hang all my earrings and still easily access the ones with posts without a huge hassle, just opening the door! I did some damage to the front of the frame while attempting to nail the mesh to the front...... After trial and error and much consultation with Google, I decided that my Staple Gun would be a better option. But I was still left with a destroyed frame finish. I easily covered that up with some beautiful trims in my stash, and then added the beautiful Couch and background Eiffel tower from the Summer in Paris Cricut Cartridge. The flower is from Pink Paislee. I seriously love this thing! It's not on my wall yet as I will be moving at some point and don't want to add another hole only to immediately be covering it up.