Hello my fellow crafters!
I know, it's been too many months. I am very bad at this blogging thing. I really enjoy it, but often feel too overwhelmed by the idea of posting crafty stuff everyday. So while I have been rethinking my plan of attack for this whole crafty thing, and how to make it more about the fun and sharing, without feeling that it is ONE MORE thing I HAVE TO DO, I have been very busy with life. As some of you know, I am a graduate student in transition. This transition will come to an end it about 2 weeks when I return to school and will get my PhD! This is very exciting and daunting to me. Part of my current considerations with the blog, is how to continue crafting on a regular basis and sharing it with you. Because, I really do love sharing. So I guess my mid year resolution is to live a more balanced and holistic life, in which my crafting addiction, limited funds, and being a graduate student can live harmoniously. I know I do not have very many followers, but what are you thoughts and suggestions on how to keep a crafty balanced life?